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Rentmeister Total Home Service Blog

5 Signs That You Have Poor AC Service

family-hold-green-houseYour air conditioner is built with the explicit purpose of keeping you cool. This summer though, it seems that it has lost its sense of purpose. You’re hot and sweaty all day at home and your air conditioner can’t seem to perform. Your air conditioner is going to run into trouble from time to time. We want to help you figure out if AC service is what you need.

If your air conditioner is acting funny, then you should invest in air conditioning repair in Salt Lake City, UT. Today, let’s get into some signs that you might have poor air conditioning services.

You’ve Got Trouble If…

Here are some signs that you’re having trouble with your air conditioning system.

1. Odd Noises

When you turn on your air conditioner, do you notice that you’re hearing all these weird noises?

Odd noises are like rattling, banging, scraping, etc. are all troubling sounds that you might hear from an AC system. A noise that you hear from your air conditioning system is like your AC system’s way of reaching out and asking for help. Any weird sounds that you hear are only going to become a problem later on when you try to operate your air conditioning system.

2. Short Cycling

Short cycling is a sign that your air conditioner is struggling to perform. When your air conditioner starts, runs for a while, stops, and then starts the cycle again, it’s called “short cycling.” It’s called this because your AC system is literally stopping short.

You don’t want to let this go on for a while because it’s going to reduce your air conditioning system’s efficiency. Don’t let your short cycling problems persist for long. It can lead to expensive repairs and an early AC replacement.

3. Leaks

Have you walked by the outdoor condenser and noticed any leaking coming from it? You might be a little confused by this if it hasn’t directly affected the air conditioning system otherwise. But it will if you let it go on for too long. Leaks lead to low airflow and warm air output. If you notice these issues or a leak itself, then you should schedule an appointment with our team members.

4. Unresponsiveness

When you go over to your thermostat and choose a cool temperature for your AC system, it’s as if it ignores you. Sometimes it responds eventually, but it takes a while to start up.

If you’ve already tried to address your responsiveness troubles with the thermostat itself, then the problem is probably a little deeper. We can look into your air conditioning system and figure out the problem for you.

5. Foul Odors

When you run your air conditioner, do you notice musty or mildewy scents? Foul odors are a problem that you might notice now and try to push past it. Our professionals can get rid of any scent you’re smelling by addressing the root of the issue rather than the symptoms. Our professionals know their stuff.

Contact Rentmeister Total Home Service today for your air conditioning services.

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