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Rentmeister Total Home Service Blog

Air Conditioning FAQ: What to Consider When Buying or Replacing an Air Conditioner

At Rentmeister Total Home Service, we understand that you rely on your air conditioning system in the Salt Lake City, UT area throughout the warmer months to keep your home feeling cool and comfortable. That’s why you should hire a professional you can trust to install all air conditioning equipment in your home, including the ductwork and vents. A qualified Salt Lake City air conditioning contractor will also make sure that your new AC system is sized appropriately for your home.

Here are some things to consider when buying or replacing an air conditioner. Make sure you discuss these factors with one of our certified installers so that you get the right type of system for your home.

Sizing Air Conditioners

Air conditioners in the past have usually been oversized rather than undersized. Each air conditioner has different components, and each unit is different depending on which coil you use. Homeowners often think that they are not getting maximum AC output because the air conditioner is undersized. This is not always the problem, and we find that it is usually because the air conditioner needs maintenance.

A dirty filter, or wrong filter, blower wheel or dirty evaporator coil are often the reason for low output. These issues can be prevented with regular maintenance. When these parts of the system are dirty, it affects the airflow, lowers the blower capacity and circulation, and increasing the power necessary to operate your AC system.

Getting the Right Floor and Wall Registers

Many homeowners ask about wooden floor and wall registers. Wood registers are too restrictive for running a good heating and air conditioning system. They do look nice in your home but are not functional. There is a difference in metal registers.

Make sure that fins are turned up and not at a 45° angle. This forces your air toward the ceiling and gives you better indoor air quality. Many home improvement stores sell register deflectors for AC registers. Most of the time, deflectors prove to be a hindrance rather than a help to your air conditioning system.

Call the Salt Lake City air conditioning experts at Rentmeister Total Home Service if you have any questions about replacing your air conditioner.

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