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Rentmeister Total Home Service Blog

End of Season AC Care Tips

We’re exiting summer and entering fall here in Utah and you should be winding down your air conditioning system. Your air conditioner has worked hard all summer to keep you cool in our arid heat. Make sure you treat your system well so it’s ready to run again next summer. At Rentmeister Total Home Service, we provide the best service for your air conditioning in Salt Lake City, UT. We’re committed to ensuring that your unit will last you for years to come.

Have an Honest Assessment

The end of the summer heating season is the best time to honestly evaluate your air conditioner and realize it might be time for a new one. Air conditioners are meant to last anywhere from 10 to 15 years depending on how you maintain the system. If you’re someone who skips out on regular maintenance and necessary repairs, your unit will last closer to the 10-year mark rather than the 15.

It saves you money overall to buy a new unit rather than running an old unit that struggles with efficiency. An old unit wastes energy that costs you money. Fall is the perfect time to decide if you want to replace your aging air conditioner with a new unit because it allows you an ample amount of time to research units and shop across the market while temperatures require heating rather than cooling.

Rely on Your AC Less

It’s easy to get into the habit over the summer of running your air conditioning all the time. Temperatures are dropping now, and you should rely on other means of cooling for any lingering warm temperatures. Try these tips:

  • Turn on the ceiling fan. Don’t get in the habit of running to your thermostat. You can use the ceiling fan to cool you off in more moderate fall temperatures.
  • Turn up the thermostat. Set the thermostat’s temperature up by a few degrees with the weather change—your system won’t cycle on as often.
  • Close the blinds. Sunlight brings heat along with it. Closing your curtains or blinds will help you reduce the temperature of your room and save money on your energy bill.
  • Upgrade thermostat technology. At Rentmeister Total Home Service, we install wireless, digital, and programmable thermostats for all types of air conditioning systems. We can help you find a thermostat that suits your home’s needs. We recommend wireless thermostats because they work alongside your smartphone and can be programmed when you’re away from the home. You can turn off your air conditioner if you’re away longer than you expect or turn on your air conditioner on your way home.

Schedule Maintenance

If you’re trying to increase your air conditioner’s lifespan, preventive maintenance is the most key factor for keeping your unit healthy. Fall is a perfect time to get this done because if you have any problems needing urgent repairs, it’s not as high stakes because you rely on your AC unit less during this time of year. A trained technician should always service your HVAC system to ensure it’s performing efficiently. At Rentmeister Total Home Service, we even have a maintenance program to help you save money on annual service.

If you need an end of season tune-up, contact our reliable team today to schedule service.

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